Top Tip Suspending your Holds:
If you don’t think you will be able to get to a book when your hold becomes available, you can suspend your hold for a future date. The book will then become available as soon as it is ready after that date.
1. Go to your Shelf, then “Holds”. Click on “Manage Hold” next to the hold you would like to suspend.
2. Click “Suspend Hold”.
3. Choose how long you would like to suspend your hold and click “Update”
If your hold is already available, but you want to listen to it later, you can choose the “Deliver Later” option when you get your hold notification
Top Tip Author Books:
If you click onto a book's title, at the top of the page the Author's name is underlined. If you click the Author's name you will be taken to the Author's page, where you can see all the Author's books at once.
Top Tip Tags:
You can create tags to help you organize books in Libby.
You can use tags to make a list of what you want to read, your favourites, what you've borrowed, and more.
You can find your tags on your Shelf (
) under tags. Once you select a tag from your Shelf, you can borrow a tagged title, filter the tag by format, export a list of titles in the tag, and rename or delete the tag.
You can create as many tags as you'd like.
Top Tip See your place in line for a hold:
After you place a hold, go to Shelf (
), click Holds and tap the calendar icon to see your place in line. You’ll also see your approximate wait time, the number of copies in use, and the number of people waiting.