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We've got your back to level up, whether it is ace-ing school, nailing that driver's license, crushing it in the job game, keeping your chill vibes in check, and finding the support you need to slay life.
It's all here, just a click away, ready to help you roll with life, so you can own your world with confidence!
If you would like to suggest other useful resources for teens, please email our Teens librarians.
Any Questions and Many Answers
Bridget Williams books
Kanopy Great Courses
LinkedIn Learning
National Library topic explorer
NCEA subject resources
NZ Geographic
Press Reader
Spark notes
Te Ara
Upper Hutt Leader
Auckland University of Technology Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau
Massey University Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Media Design School
New Zealand School of Dance
New Zealand School of Music
Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau
University of Canterbury Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
University of Otago Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou
University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
Victoria University Wellington - Te Herenga Waka
Whitireia and WelTec
Youth Service
For other universities in Australia and New Zealand
Career Jet
CV Books
Road Code books
Aunty Dee
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Reader’s Advisory
The Lowdown
Rainbow Youth
Citizens Advice Bureau
Money Hub
Youth Law