

Take a look below at our community programmes and groups which meet regularly at our Central Library.

All our regular adult programmes and groups are free to attend and are open to everyone in the community. No booking or registration is required.

Nau mai, haere mai.

Writing groups


It's Write Easy

Learn how to record your memories and life story for family and friends.

Upper Hutt Writes

Bounce ideas with other locals who love writing. All genres welcome.


Social groups and meet-ups

Plunket Parents Group

Relaxed, supportive meet-up for families and parents with babies (ages 0 to 6 months).

Social Drama for Seniors

Group improvisation and fun games for seniors, to keep the mind active and creative.


Books clubs and discussion groups


Poetry Group

Love reading poetry? Join this conversation club and chat poetry, classic and modern.


Crafts and music


Crafting Threads of Aroha

Knitting, crochet, and sewing group for charity projects.

Paper Craft Creations

Social meet-up for all crafters and makers.

UH Ukes

Ukulele session for beginners and advanced players.


History and genealogy


Family History Group

Share tips and learn research skills for your family history project.

Upper Hutt Local History Group

Share and enjoy memories of life in Upper Hutt through the decades.


Digital learning



Digital assistance and training from beginner skills to advanced.