A one-stop shop for all your local heritage related needs

Published on 14 August 2023

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The Heritage team at Upper Hutt Libraries has collated all information relating to the Local Heritage Collection in one handy place. 

You can access our digitised material, search our collections, and learn about donating to the archives. This online space also highlights gems from within the collections, provides links to our interactive and fun storymaps, which tell micro-histories of Upper Hutt, including a virtual walking tour exploring the history of the CBD, as well as sliding images showing amazing before and after photographs of local landmarks. 

To browse your local heritage, click here to visit our page. 


Did you know that our Upper Hutt Local History Group meets once a month to share and enjoy memories of life in Upper Hutt through the decades?  If you love local history and heritage knowledge, come along and discover more of Upper Hutt’s fascinating past.


Find out when their next meeting is.


To talk to one of our Heritage Team members, email heritage@uhcc.govt.nz 


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