Interloans and Suggest to Buy


If we don’t have an item in our collection, it may be available for interloan from another library.

The service charge for interloans is $12 per item and is non-refundable. We will only charge this fee if we are successful in sourcing your item for interloan from another library.

Please fill out the form below to request an interloan.

If we can't source your item through the interloan service, we will contact you to let you know.

Click here to view form.

Suggest to buy

You can use this form to suggest we buy an item for our collections.

Please check our catalogue first before sending your suggestion through to us.

How does 'suggest to buy' work?

  • To keep things fair to all our customers, you may make up to two suggestions per month.
  • You must have a current Upper Hutt Libraries membership to make a suggestion.
  • We may decline your suggestion if it doesn't align with our selection criteria. You can find more information about this in our Collection Management Policy(PDF, 901KB).
  • Our decision on suggestions is final, and we will not enter further correspondence.

How do we notify you about your suggestion for the collection?

  • If we decide to buy your suggested title and you have requested to place a hold, you will see the title in your holds list on My Account once we have ordered it.
  • Successful requests will also show on our online catalogue.
  • We will only notify you if we decide not to purchase the suggested item.

Click here to view form.