Donate to Our Archives
Donations to the Heritage Collection
As a collecting archive, with a dedication to telling the social history of Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta/Upper Hutt, we primarily rely on donations. We are also unique in that we don’t desire to always hold the original item, and where possible, we can scan and return.
What type of donations do you accept?
Lots! The key thing is that it must relate to Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta/Upper Hutt, be that people, places, groups/organisations or events. It doesn’t even have to be old! Today's events are tomorrow's memories.
Have something to donate or that you think we might be interested in? Contact us at or call into the Central Library from Mondays to Fridays during our library opening hours and ask for a member of the Heritage Team!
Some example of items for donations
Printed and digital.
For example: family photos taken in Upper Hutt, at local businesses, or at events

Benge Family, ca.1960s
Items that are only designed to be used for a short time.
For example: advertising material for local businesses, ticket stubs to local events and others

Heretaunga Players Programme; Something to Hide, 1993
Letters, postcards, log books and diaries
Letters or diaries from people in Upper Hutt documenting life here
For example: letters sent back from war, log books for community organisations and groups

Letter from Rupert Christie to his mother, October 1916

Brown Owl Tea House ca. 1946
Documents and papers relating to the running of local groups, organisations and businesses
This may include a range of material such as minutes, newsletters and correspondence

General Motors Family Newsletter; Vol 3, No.1; 1974
Please note that due to storage limitations, we often can’t accept artifacts, but this is decided on a case by case basis.
Blank-Donation-Form.pdf(PDF, 525KB)