Next date: Tuesday, 25 March 2025 | 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM
second and fourth Tuesday of the month Central Library | 3.30PM to 5.00PM(runs during term time only)
Come along for an afternoon of fun, friendly company, and laughter!
Social Drama for Seniors invites you to give group improvisation and theatre games a go.
No lines to learn or scripts to rehearse, just join in with a sense of humour.
Perfect for keeping the mind active and creative, while sharing a good time with others.
Upper Hutt Central Library, 844 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt 5018, 5018, View Map
844 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt 5018 , 5018
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Occurrence Pattern*(Required)
This event occurs on the Second Tuesday of every 1 month(s) for 8 times.